Monday, December 12, 2011

Common themes between Of Mice and Men and What's Eating Gilbert Grape

I have listed some common themes we brainstormed in class. List events/scenes that could be used as evidence when completing a CER prior to your compare/contrast literary analysis.  Give page numbers when referring to Of Mice and Men.


  1. Death- pg 85 "so why did you have to go get killed?You aint so little as mice. I didn't bounce you hard."

  2. For the theme of Death the evidence you could use from GG is when his mom dies, when the house burns and 'dies', when he has to give up his dreams and let them die for his family, when Arnie doesnt die, and when Mrs. Carver finally gives him up. The evidence from OMM could be when Curly's wife dies, when the puppy or Candy's dog dies, when Lennie has to be killed, when George and Lennie have to leave Weed, and when their dream of having their own land is killed at the end.

  3. For responsibility, Gilbert had to be responsible for the family's money, he also had to take care of his mother and Arnie. George had to take care of Lennie, and keep him out of trouble, and he had to try to make enough money to get the land they wanted.

  4. Theme of Death-
    Gilbert's dad hung himself, Mr. Carver dies, Gilbert's mom dies, Candy's dog dies, Lennie kills many mice, Lennie's dog dies, Curley's wife dies, Lennie dies, the dream of Lennie and George owning their own land dies, Gilbert's house dies

  5. Infatuation- pg90 "I like to pet nice things with my fingers, sof' things."

  6. For responsibility you could use George and how he have to take care of Lennie and Gilbert and how he have to take care of Arnie. They both have to take on that responsibility

  7. For tolerance, in the movie, Gilbert always stays by Arnie's side even though they get mad at each other, and that is the same for most Lennie and George's relationship. Also, for responsibility, George and Gilbert had to hold a job to support others and be responsible.

  8. Survival: Gilbert has to work at the store to pay for his family in order to survive. In OMM George and Lennie are bouncing around from job to job fighting for survival.

    Arnie is dependent on Gilbert to keep help him survive because Arnie needs special care. Same with Lennie he needs Georges help in order to survive.

    Gilbert's mom is dependent on her kids to provide care for her. Same with the puppies in OMM there dependent on the mom for survival but Lennie keeps them out of the nest so they had no chance to survive.

  9. Dependence- In GG Arnie depends on Gilbert, as well as the mother and sisters, because he is the only one bringing in a source of income. They depend on him to keep the house somewhat safe for them too. In OMM Lennie depends on George, because without him he probably wouldn't know what to do, he'd probably end up walking around trying to find a cave, or getting into too much trouble, and be put in jail or worse. In GG we can see that Arnie needs Gilbert, because he can't even bathe himself. When Gilbert leaves and lets him bathe himself he stays in the tub all night.

  10. I think for responsibility you could use the fact that Gilbert and George both have to look after a mentally handicapped person. George more than Gilbert but Gilbert also has to work to provide for his entire family. George and Lennie had to go job to job and self support. Lennie always got in trouble so they were constantly on the move.

  11. Both George and Gilbert have to work to provide for their families. on page 16 in Of Mice and Men George is describing the bunk house that they get to stay in. In Gilbert Grape he has to work to provide for his family to have a house.

  12. Dependence-pg73 "George won't go away and leave me, i know George won't do that" Lennie talks about how he needs George to be around

  13. Relationships- pg 12 "When I think of the swell time I could have without you, I go nuts. I never get no peace." pg 13 "No-look! I was jus' foolin', Lennie. 'Cause I want you to stay with me."

    This shows how quickly he changes his mind about Lennie and his attitude towards him.

  14. theme of death Gilberts dad, mom and mr. carter
    Lennie curleys wife the dogs and rabbits

  15. Survival-
    Gilbert needs money in order to try to keep up with the upkeep of the house which keeps falling apart. George needs money to by the land for his, Lennie's and Candy's dream.

  16. Infatuation- In GG and OMM infatuation was used in both stories. For evidence, you can use from GG the infatuation with Arnie and his climbing. When he climbed the water tower and climbed the trees to hid from Gilbert. In OMM you could use the infatuation with Lennie and soft things. Like when Lennie gets excited to touch soft things and sometimes when they are living takes it too far and kills them. These things are evidence that you could use.

  17. Death- GG: Mother died in her sleep.
    OMM: Lennie killed Curlys wife. And George killed Lennie.

  18. DEATH-one example of death in whats eating gilbert grape was when they burned down the house and with it they had essentially burned down all of there past pain and troubles with that house, all the guilt of there mother and there father killing him self, all that went away when they burned the house down.
    and in OF MICE AND MEN, one good example of death was when gorege killed lennie. when he shot lennie he shot away all of his dreams of owning that little house and having that small garden and the rabbits, he got rid of it all. so i guess in a way he killed his own hopes when he killed lennie.

  19. Dependence-
    In GG gilberts mom was very dependent on the kids to take care of her make food for her and transport her places she needed to go. Lennie and arnie were very dependent on the care takers george and gilbert and also trusted them. its gilberts and georges responsibility to watch over them.

  20. Tolerance- George has to take care of Lennie in of mice and men and make sure he dose't get into trouble at there new job. In Gilbert grapes it is the same way how Gilbert and the rest of the family has to keep Arnnie from climbing the water tower and running away. If it wasn't for Gilbert's family Arnnie would be in trouble and the same goes with George how if he wasn't there Lennie would be in trouble with the law and the people at the ranch.

  21. For death, when Lennie kills Curley's wife, what page is that on? what is a good quote for that?

  22. Without the element of loneliness the book Of Mice and Men and the movie Whats Eating Gilbert Grape woulden't have been the same without it.
